Who's been calling for Marxism?

Crazy Glen Beck using the liberal Democrat party members own words to into proper context of what they seek.

This video doesn't make a lot of sense.
It's a bunch of non-related Clips and Soundbites taken out of context and strung together to lead the viewer towards an outcome with a predefined outcome. Over all the point is mute as the maker of this clip never does make any solid point.


It does not seem out of context to me. Its quite clear what is being said from leftest leaning radicals of democrat party.

These are very dangerous people that are doing their best to tear down this country.


Remember when George W. Bush used to say the names "Osama bin Laden" and "Saddam Hussein" in close proximity to one another in order to transfer the fear many had of Osama to Saddam? That's a type of psychological manipulation called 'fear conditioning'. The point is to teach you to be afraid of something by associating it with something else that you are already afraid of. I sense the cold war has shaped your politics to a large degree - which is common among conservatives and conservative libertarians - so the word Marxism is likely something that causes you great fear. Through conditioning, your fear of Marxism has been projected onto the Democratic party by FOX news, Glenn Beck and the entire corporate media echo chamber. In reality, the Democratic party is in no way Marxist. It's actually quite conservative, economically speaking.

In order to illustrate my point, I'd like you to explain to me what you believe Marxism to be, and then to detail how, in your own words, you see the Democratic party as Marxist. If indeed this is a case of fear conditioning, you won't be able to do it.

Good luck.

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