Video Flagged Dead

White-water kayaking by Portland-based group, category V+


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

I hereby open this siftquisition/Gold Star Chamber- the honorable judge and/or executioner SiftBot presiding. yaroslavvb, is that you? Come clean - otherwise, well - we won't go there.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

mmm the bell is tolling for thee yaroslavvb. I say *discard for now, and be on the watch for future self-links, as it's hard to prove guilt without his testimony. Siftbot do your duty.


I look like the guy with the milk moustache? lol!

Man, I had a feeling that posh look would get me in trouble. Seriously, that's not me. And I don't know those guys, although I live in the same general region.


DnA test has come back conclusively negative. Admins, bring it back from the heap.

Another cautionary tale that shows that Sift death penalty based solely eyewitness avatar accounts is wrong, wrong, wrong.

And now . . . please check out my posting of the dead and hanging Saddam

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