What if Star Wars Episode II Were Good? (Belated Media)

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To make Star Wars Episode II good we're going to need to shake things up a bit. This is both a review and a hypothetical.

The problem with the new films was besides being poorly scripted and made they lost sight of who their core audience was. Essentially it was young children, teens and their families.

They made something that was the inverse of what made the originals great fun. Taxes? Politics? The Senate? And they still wanted to flog all of that as action figures?

People can try kidding themselves all they want about how good something is just because they want it to be so. But really as a fan of anything you have to learn to draw a line and accept when something falls off in quality.

It does happen with many shows and films. Even this re-scripting isn't immune to this. You can rearrange a turd all you like but you still end up with a mess.

Nice drawings though.


I think I'd rather enjoy this version of the movie. I don't really remember the details because I only saw it once, when originally released, but I know I was unimpressed.


Almost anything would have been better. To my mind, the single biggest flaw with the prequels was that the originals focused on a small set of largely likeable characters who were generally together having adventures in space. The Prequels were just all over the place and there weren't really any likeable characters, and... and... for the sake of brevity, let's just say they suck in every way.

Also, for the love of god, George Lucas should not have been allowed to direct. He is a terrible, terrible, terrible director. Everyone knows that. Everyone has known that since the first one, and George should have known that too. He isn't a great artist in any sense of the word. I'd say the prequels are a textbook example of why the role of director is so important. How can such an accomplished cast deliver a performance barely better than what you'd expect from, say, "Sharktopus."

I think the next three will be decent. They don't have to be great (and really, the original three weren't *great* per se, they were just novel fun, imaginative, and hit a sweet spot. I think JJ Abrams will do fine.

Anyways, this guys plot would have worked. So would have a lot of others though.


Ultimately, the story told in the first three movies was OK; it was just poorly executed. Some things were done right, but a LOT was done wrong.

I'd like to see this guys take on the Matrix trilogy, because I had a fantastic story written for the last two in my head before I saw what the Wachowski's churned out. Oh well...

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