What children see, children do (Powerful)


this is powerful because while some of these examples are a bit over the top, most people don't realize how much their behaviors (good or bad) affect their children!

it only seems like common sense when watching this video ... but how many people say things with a bit more of a sarcastic or snotty tone?? children will mimic that. how many people are insecure and have moments of self deprecation? children pick up on that. how many people talk to themselves when they are troubled? guess whose child will soon start doing that?

parenting isn't easy be any means. it's more than a full time job and those that aren't willing to put in 110% shouldn't have children.

*hops off soapbox*


Actually, I gave up smoking when my kid was 2 years old and thought everything I did was cool. He picked up my cigarette package and started playing with it. I never smoked another one-- that was three years ago (I've thought about takig it up again every day since then, though ).


as a psychologist, i don't buy the idea. too simple. also, its overly dramatic for my tastes. a bit like listening to damien rice singing about how horney he is but his unrequited love won't sort him out.


Both my father and mother made bad decisions when I was younger. I don't plan to mimic them because I saw what those decision ended up doing to them.
I am still upvoting this though because kids normally do emulate thier parents.


This video is so true in it's simplest form. My girlfriends 3year old came back from a weekend at her dads and proceeded to tell us in the most innocent voice, "My daddy says F*%K." It's really sad the role models some people dont seem to be or dont realize they are.


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