What Does Earth Look Like?

YouTube Description:


Dr. Julian Bayliss' rainforest story: http://youtu.be/mni8mSS4KDU

Cool video from CGPGrey: "How Many Countries Are There?" http://youtu.be/4AivEQmfPpk

upside-down map: [See YouTube description]

INTERACTIVE projection site: [See YouTube description]

Chromoscope: http://www.chromoscope.net/

Mercator Puzzle: [See YouTube description]

xkcd on maps: [See YouTube description]

Earth "live": [See YouTube description]

interactive gnomonic: http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3795048

West Wing MAPS clip: [See YouTube description]

Earth from Mars: [See YouTube description]

Earth from Saturn: [See YouTube description]

"look" etymology: [See YouTube description]

wave on a string simulation: [See YouTube description]

Hi-res electromagnetic spectrum: http://www.zulyzami.com/dl16?display

Earth under different light: [See YouTube description]

Moon's shadow on Earth: [See YouTube description]

Bad Astronomer on twitter: https://twitter.com/BadAstronomer

Africa compared to big countries: [See YouTube description]

Map projection info:[See YouTube description]

What we used to think Earth looked like from space: [See YouTube description]

Earth is not a perfect sphere: [See YouTube description]

These are all very interesting, and this was no exception. The nit I'd pick is that the visible light spectrum portion and the map projections portion feel rather shoehorned together. OK to bring it up, but to keep referring back to the visible spectrum felt tenuous, at least to me. Could have made a full-length video about both topics.

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