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In the name of love and compassion, it's amazing the kind of damage religious parents can do to an innocent child.

Except that without religion, man would still be a dictator of equal evil. They would just use something like race or such. Religion was made by people, not the other way around.

If this was to just prove god doesn't exist, duh. But if this is to explain Christainity fails, it fails itself. You must go back to the source of the matrix baby!


It often disappoints me that atheism expends so much energy on being anti-Christian. You rarely see videos or blog posts denouncing Vishnu, Poseidon, or Odin - all equally non-existent.

I also prefer a good dose of comedy with my atheism. When being reminded that once my beautiful life is over there's nothing, a hearty laugh helps. George Carlin said it better.

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