Weezer - Take On Me (Official Video)

I love Weezer - their Teal album has so many great covers - and here they go all in!

YT: Aha! The Take On Me video is here! Starring Calpurnia: Finn Wolfhard, Ayla Tesler-Mabe, Malcolm Craig, Jack Anderson

Seems this is the Stranger Things kid (Finn Wolfhard) and the band that he sings in, Calpurnia.



Phenomenal. I hadn't even looked at their Teal Album, but yeah, it looks like it's just 10 covers of awesome songs from my childhood (the 80s) that I love.

Will listen to the whole thing right now!


Double-Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Tuesday, February 12th, 2019 11:12am PST - doublepromote requested by lucky760.


Oh, is that *him*?! I had no idea. He looks so grown up now!


Seems this is the Stranger Things kid (Finn Wolfhard) and the band that he sings in, Calpurnia.

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