So, everyone read Macbeth in High School. Maybe a good teacher even required you to memorize a speech and you picked this one. But apparently, unless your teacher was a heck of a lot better than mine, we never really got a shot at understanding why these sections of Shakespeare's verse weren't just drearily cliched.
I thought this was a superbly virtuoso demonstration of the real work spent by an actor understanding what a playwright is up to.
And how the actor, at least a real one, figures things out.
I wish he'd do the same thing for some of Gandalf's speeches in Lord of the Rings---or even, some of the Star Trek speeches that Patrick Stewart does (did you know McKellen officiated at Stewart's wedding?)---because I suspect that any script he touches or reviews gets this level of commitment and focus.
I bet there'd be something to learn there.
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TrancecoachA difficult soliloquy. Rarely pulled off. I think I like Welles' performance of it the best, of those I've heard.
SFOGuyYes---that's excellent---What I liked about this version was the analysis followed by the performance and how it illuminated everything from the actor's perspective.
So cool.
A difficult soliloquy. Rarely pulled off. I think I like Welles' performance of it the best, of those I've heard.
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SFOGuyI just flashed on something; I should like to see Keeanu Reeves or Lindsay Lohan's analysis of a script...
SFOGuyThis may not be a charitable thought
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