A massive crash at the start of the second round of the Moto3 French Grand Prix has forced the race to be suspended. At least twenty riders, or half the field, were involved in the crash. One lap earlier five bikes had already gone to the ground at the same corner.
Fortunately, no rider has suffered serious injuries and almost all of them returned to the track half an hour later once the cleanup was completed.
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Una caída multitudinaria en la segunda vuelta del Gran Premio de Francia de Moto3 ha obligado a suspender la carrera nada más empezar. Al menos veinte pilotos se han visto implicados en la caída. Todos se cayeron en la misma curva donde una vuelta antes ya se habían ido al suelo cinco motos.
Afortunadamente, ningún piloto ha sufrido lesiones de gravedad y casi todos volvieron a tomar la salida media hora después.
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transmorphersays...This is begging for a Mario Kart edit
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