Unintentional Joke of the Day 11/20/09

Utah Senator, Chris Buttars' response to supporting bill to ban discrimination against gays and lesbians.

What exactly are gays trying to stuff down his throat all the time? Is he talking about their constant demands for being treated with equality and respect? Yeah, bunch of assholes those gays are; they should all go back to Gaytopia where they were born!


>> ^Xax:
What exactly are gays trying to stuff down his throat all the time? Is he talking about their constant demands for being treated with equality and respect? Yeah, bunch of assholes those gays are; they should all go back to Gaytopia where they were born!

No, he meant their penises


Not ALL the time.

But sometimes sure, he's into it. If the mood is right, if they buy him dinner, but not all the time - life can't just all be about deep throat. Sometimes you need to vary it to keep things exciting...

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