Ukrainian Army Brass Band Plays "Don't Worry Be Happy"

Ukrainian Army brass band plays "Don't Worry Be Happy" while awaiting the Russian invasion of Odessa.

Herodotus (book VII) recounts Xerxes sending a scout to spy on the Spartan expeditionary force holding Thermopylae. The scout, ignored by the Spartans, returns to Persian lines, and reports that the Spartans - badly outnumbered - where combing their hair.

I've never understood what that looked like. I may now.

newtboyjokingly says...

Live fast, die young, leave a beautiful corpse.


Herodotus (book VII) recounts Xerxes sending a scout to spy on the Spartan expeditionary force holding Thermopylae. The scout, ignored by the Spartans, returns to Persian lines, and reports that the Spartans - badly outnumbered - where combing their hair.

I've never understood what that looked like. I may now.

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