Two Girls One Hoop


Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Tuesday, October 16th, 2012 11:30am PDT - promote requested by pumkinandstorm.


The video would've been SO much better without someone giving us a running commentary on how amazing and perfect it was. Shut up dude and let the moment happen.


I learned 2 things

#1. Apparently filmmakers and/or camera operators LOVE drugs and sunsets
#2. This would have been much better if the girls were facing each other


Someone obviously couldnt make it to the end; a whole 48 seconds. Pace yourself man.>> ^Darkhand:

I learned 2 things
#1. Apparently filmmakers and/or camera operators LOVE drugs and sunsets
#2. This would have been much better if the girls were facing each other


>> ^Kofi:

Someone obviously couldnt make it to the end; a whole 48 seconds. Pace yourself man.>> ^Darkhand:
I learned 2 things
#1. Apparently filmmakers and/or camera operators LOVE drugs and sunsets
#2. This would have been much better if the girls were facing each other

If what I'm doing takes longer than 48 seconds I'm not doing it right!

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