Pumzi, Kenya’s first science fiction film, imagines a dystopian future 35 years after water wars have torn the world apart. East African survivors of the ecological devastation remain locked away in contained communities, but a young woman in possession of a germinating seed struggles against the governing council to bring the plant to Earth’s ruined surface.

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Hmm ... looks ... interesting. I would go see this in the cinema- fat chance that it would ever be showing at the multiplex though. *promote Kenyan science fiction movies - (how many times have I done that before)


Hello dag, I can help you get this to your local cinema, but I am having a problem that the film is currently locked in a safe in the netherlands. Fortunately, we can still get it, with a small monetary contribution from yourself or videosift.com. The exciting news is that you can then share in the profits of this film in your area.

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