Tomb Raider Crossroads

Looks really good.

youtube: A young Lara Croft has already proven herself to be a survivor, but one on the cusp of an extraordinary adventure. Caught in the clutches of an enigmatic island, Lara is captured by hostile natives and faced with a traumatic and character-defining decision. On this island, forces beyond her control leave Lara little alternative but to ruthlessly fight for her life.

Huh? Is this supposed to be a game? If so, where's the actual footage of gameplay? Because there wasn't any in this video... Also, why does Lara look nothing like what she used to? -- and I don't just mean her chest...


I feel like I watched a trailer for a really good movie and just saw all the good parts. I'll be playing it. Loved Tomb Raider since my Diamond Monster 3D card, though I did skip over the crappier versions.


>> ^schlub:

Huh? Is this supposed to be a game? If so, where's the actual footage of gameplay? Because there wasn't any in this video... Also, why does Lara look nothing like what she used to? -- and I don't just mean her chest...

Uhh... I'm pretty sure that was all gameplay footage, just edited together. It's a trailer for the game, not the first 5 minutes of the game.

Here is some gameplay footage from later on in the game.


This vid looks like it's all in-engine cut-scenes to me (as in, cinematics). The youtube link you've provided does show actual gameplay though.

>> ^shogunkai:

>> ^schlub:
Huh? Is this supposed to be a game? If so, where's the actual footage of gameplay? Because there wasn't any in this video... Also, why does Lara look nothing like what she used to? -- and I don't just mean her chest...

Uhh... I'm pretty sure that was all gameplay footage, just edited together. It's a trailer for the game, not the first 5 minutes of the game.
Here is some gameplay footage from later on in the game.


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