Titanic - in 5 seconds!

Cliffs notes of the Cliffs notes of the Movie Titanic.

Yeah, this is about as much as I can stomach of Titanic. I saw it, but I just couldn't see what all the fuss was. I still don't.

After the third time of running down to the bottom of the boat...then back up...then back down again...then back up....kind of lost it for me.

Also, the old lady had the diamond the entire time...even though the big expedition was sent out there to see if they could find it. Millions of dollars expended to see if they could find it and this old bat had it the whole time. THEN right at the end she throws the thing overboard. If I was Bill Paxton, I would have said "oh, you threw that overboard huh....here, why don't you go and get it back for us" as I threw HER overboard. With her grand daughter also saying "hey Grandma...we could...um...have used the money from that diamond you just threw away you know" as she helps Paxton throw her overboard.


Re-promoting this video to the front page as a VideoSift Classic. Originally published on Tuesday 13th March 2007 (promotion called by gold star member michie)


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