If the line is not drawn and defended, then you will lose the battle of free speech inch by inch.
This work is in defense of the video by zomgitscriss where all she basically said was 'if the big bang and evolution are in the Koran, as many Muslims state, then why weren't these discoveries made by Muslims 1400 years ago!'
This video got taken down for 'community guideline violations' within a few hours of her putting it up, presumably by criticism-hypochondriac-Muslims who interpret any dissenting voice as 'hate-speech'.
DPRjones then mirrored this video and also had the video removed for 'community guidelines violations' within hours.
Well if this is the way youtube is going to run the forum, then it has little further value as a forum for discussion. The line is drawn.
Youtube makes it's call to either stand by values of free speech that make it an asset to the western world, or it yields to the 'anything bad said about Islam is a hate-crime' lobby.
marinarathe crucifixion of Jesus was a victory for the intolerant god-worshipers and a defeat of a man trying to love the people oppressed by a dogmatic and systematic religion. They killed him legally.
2000 years later, we're waiting for jesus to come back.
PaybackYoutube is a company. It can delete or keep anything it wants. If something is "mistakenly" taken down, the only reason it gets put back up is for appearance's sake. No laws are being broken by a take down, whereas several may be broken by leaving a video up. Simple logic.
gwiz665But deliberate misuse of the DMCA is a felony. Not by youtube, but by the one accusing falsely.
>> ^Payback:
Youtube is a company. It can delete or keep anything it wants. If something is "mistakenly" taken down, the only reason it gets put back up is for appearance's sake. No laws are being broken by a take down, whereas several may be broken by leaving a video up. Simple logic.
StormsingerFor what it's worth, nothing in the summary or the video mentions the DMCA. Community guidelines are a whole different matter...and primarily a matter of the website's terms of service, rather than law.
>> ^gwiz665:
But deliberate misuse of the DMCA is a felony. Not by youtube, but by the one accusing falsely.
>> ^
Youtube is a company. It can delete or keep anything it wants. If something is "mistakenly" taken down, the only reason it gets put back up is for appearance's sake. No laws are being broken by a take down, whereas several may be broken by leaving a video up. Simple logic.
joedirtWho knew Thunderf00t was a racist and religious bigot...
I'm really shocked that he simlifies things to a wingnut mouth-breather argument and not something more intellectual.
What kind of retard applies an act like 9/11 to an entire religion... I mean what about all the christian fundamentalist bombers and attacks.
SveNitoRsays...>> ^joedirt:
Who knew Thunderf00t was a racist and religious bigot...
I'm really shocked that he simlifies things to a wingnut mouth-breather argument and not something more intellectual.
What kind of retard applies an act like 9/11 to an entire religion... I mean what about all the christian fundamentalist bombers and attacks.
Agreed. The whole tone of the video is one of purposefully instigating fear of Islam. I know several muslims and they guard their right to speak openly as much as anyone. The video simply lacked balance. A fundamentalist is a fundamentalist, regardless of belief.
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