This one is for you all that sent me lots of messages stating you wanted to see the NBC song from the movie. Oh, dont mind my girl running out of the house...I didnt notice until after I was done filming.
2011 Halloween Light Show -- This Is Halloween from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
4 singing pumpkin faces, tombstones, hand carved pumpkins, strobes, floods and thousands of lights. Most all lights have been changed from incandescent to RGB LED so power consumption is a lot less than previous years. Also DMX added to show. All lights, faces and props are custom made (DIY) by me except for the roof line which are CCRs. Controlling channels have gone up 8X from last year. 1144 channels. Light-O-Rama. Riverside, CA
carnevalWould love channel suggestions....
Boise_LibSorry, good video but...*dupeof=http://videosift.com/video/Halloween-Neon-Light-Show-House-Party-Rock-Anthem
siftbotThis post has been nominated as a duplicate of this video by Boise_Lib. If the nomination is seconded with *isdupe, the video will be killed and its votes transferred to the original.This nomination has been rescinded.
Boise_LibNOT A DUPE!
I was wrong. Same house different song.
Mea Culpa.
@lucky760, I screwed the pooch on this one. This is not a dupe.
Can the invocation be reversed--perhaps at my public pillorying?
siftbotAdding video to channels (Electronica, Music, Wtf) - requested by Boise_Lib.
sixshotsays...Can someone clarify for me? Is this the same guy who did the Wizards in Winter?
siftbotBoosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by Boise_Lib.
carneval>> ^sixshot:
Can someone clarify for me? Is this the same guy who did the Wizards in Winter?
I'm not sure, but I'd like to know as well. I was operating under the assumption that it was the same guy, but at this point (5-6 years later or whatever) it could very easily be a "copycat."
carnevalugh triple post
carnevalugh triple post
antWe need new houses.
lucky760*promote the spectacular awesomeness
siftbotPromoting this video back to the front page; last published Tuesday, October 25th, 2011 12:42am PDT - promote requested by lucky760.
phymansays...Upvote for the tags!
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