The most delicious team work goal I've seen in some time..

Arsenal style, bitches!

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At 0:40, you can see that Wilshere still has both centre-backs and the left full-back in front of him when Giroud flicks the ball back to him.


I'm no football expert but the goal kicker guy seemed off side


The thing about Arsenal is, they always try and walk it in. Looks bloody nice when it comes off

I thought it was offside when it happened. It always looks strange when a player is in so much space and 95% of the time it's because they're offside.

In football (unlike, I believe, other sports with offside rules) it's the exact moment your team mate passes the ball that matters, which is why the director pauses it then.

Fun fact - this means that the assistant referee (the linesman, at the side with a flag) has to simultaneously look at what players are in offside positions and look at the ball to see when it's passed. If the ball is travelling quite far up the pitch, it's physically impossible for the assistant referee to do this.

Additional fun fact - players and fans are extremely forgiving of this and should this impossible situation result in an error that's to the detriment of their team, they will typically smile wryly and think back to a time when they've been the beneficiary.

The previous paragraph may not be entirely accurate.

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