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The Worst Movies In History: Shark Attack 3

This "action" sequence from the B-movie stinker Shark Attack 3: Megalodon has to be the most terrible-yet-amusing thing I have ever seen. Even Captain Jack Harkness himself, John Barrowman, is awful throughout.

This movie is also semi-famous for producing what may well be the worst line in movie history(link NSFW).

I think this video is worthy of *discussion because it was also included at the end of this video. Uhohzombies claims it is used in a different context, so should we make an exception and * return this video?

If this wasn't a goldie's video, I'd just discard it outright. Opinions? Siftquisition!


Even though it's at the tail end of a larger compilation of entirely different clips from entirely different movies? Anyone who was looking specifically for this would (a) not be able to find it there [I know I couldn't when looking for dupes] and (b) have to sit through all the rest before they even knew it was part of that video. It's even a shocking coincidence that the titles are similar. That's where I see it branching off completely from this other video and not counting as a dupe. Of course I will submit myself to the will of the sift, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit!

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