YT: Coffee Alamid is Philippine Civet Coffee from wild civet droppings on the different forest floors of Philippine mountains. The Paradoxorus Philippinensis is a civet which belongs to the mongoose family - a nocturnal animal which uses its nose to choose the ripest and sweetest coffee cherries and relentlessly eats them during coffee season. Gathered very early in the morning usually before the sun rises, the forest dwellers climb the mountain and pick the civet droppings on the forest floors. On a good day, a gatherer can collect one kilo of civet droppings.
Coffee Alamid is a blend of the Philippine's finest Arabica, Liberica and Exelsa beans. When roasted, it exudes an almost musical, fruity aroma. It has a strong, sweet, dark chocolatey taste that is perfect for that morning kick or high power meetings. Definitely a clean cup.
siftbotsays...Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Thursday, March 8th, 2012 1:07pm PST - promote requested by original submitter Quadrophonic.
ponceleonsays...I'm going to open a feces restaurant in NYC and the tagline will be "You can really taste the feces!" I'll charge $150 a plate and people will be lined up around the block because it will be exclusive and you'll have to wait five weeks for a reservation.
Quadrophonicsays...And your customers soon will be like "WAITER! That is not the 2011 Shitter Briond i ordered, bring me a new bottle!"
>> ^ponceleon:
I'm going to open a feces restaurant in NYC and the tagline will be "You can really taste the feces!" I'll charge $150 a plate and people will be lined up around the block because it will be exclusive and you'll have to wait five weeks for a reservation.
EvilDeathBeesays..."This shit tastes like coffee!"
Porksandwichsays...An earthy-ness they can't quite put their finger on...........possibly because they haven't tasted cat or raccoon shit.
bmacs27says...What is it with coffee and poo?!
sillmasays...>> ^bmacs27:
What is it with coffee and poo?!
They must be the one and same thing.
deathcowsays...Reverse Coffee Enema
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