The History of Fortnite Battle Royale - Did You Know Gaming

"... In this episode, Did You Know Gaming takes a look at some facts, secrets, Easter eggs and the history of Fortnite Battle Royale. Fortnite is developed and published by Epic Games, and is available as a PC game, as well as appearing on the PlayStation 4 (PS4), Xbox One and mobile platforms such as iOS and Android. This video covers the game's origins as a tower defense game, how it entered the battle royale genre, and its relationship with pop culture such as the stream with Drake and Ninja, and the collaboration with Marvel to introduce Thanos..."

I played a bit off and on during the NDA period, and that ramped up near the end. Then hardcore after the Early Access for a while, then stopped until the Battle Royale mode was added.

I tried the Battle Royale mode after it launched, but wasn't as impressed with it as I was with the original game. Little did I know then it'd explode the way it did.

I only played PUBG during the open beta phase and stopped playing that as well. I guess I'm not a Battle Royale sort of player...


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