The Development Disaster behind macOS

Interesting timeline of the Mac OS. I started supporting Mac OS 6.x in 1990 at my job, kept at it for the next 15 years. I made a decent amount of money doing side work on the Mac until OS X came along. OS X was rock solid and plug and play with USB and Firewire so nobody needed help any more.

This brought back a lot of memories. I remember the days of RamDoubler and DiskDoubler around 1993, because RAM and HD space was so expensive that you benefited from those utilities to compress apps in memory or on disk. Then in 1995 RAM got "cheap" enough where I could finally buy a 4 Megabyte stick for $140, woo-hoo!

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I had my Mac Classic for years, then got a Quadra 605, then Quadra 630. Then my favorite of all was the dual core G5 I got in 2003, I could play Call of Duty online while rendering 3D animations in the background without any performance hit. Then a Mac mini and finally a 27" iMac with a dual boot with Windows 10.



Long time Apple fan.

Still have my SE30 on a shelf in the garage. 9 inch BW monitor was the bomb in its day.


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