The Definitive Pronunciation of "Gif" - Final Jeopardy

Someone said it with a hard "g" sound the other day and it sounded so wrong to me.

It has been definitive before that the creator of the format says it should be "jif".

I still hold this as an example of a situation where the creator maybe shouldn't be granted the definitive "final say". Sorta like how Prince might say that he has changed his name to a funky ankh/female/male symbol that has no pronunciation. Some people go along with it and say OK, you're "the artist formerly known as Prince". Me, I say you're still just Prince. And to me it is still just "gif" like "gift", even though Steve Wilhite says otherwise.


Both soft G and hard G are correct. The guy who invented Gif doesn't own the word. No one can own a word.
Similarly, the word “Awful” used to mean “full of awe”. Over time (and I like to think by an over use of it with sarcasm) the word’s meaning changed.
The only person who pronounces Gif wrong, is the person who says you’re pronouncing it wrong. The smug asshole loophole to this would be “Steve Wilhite, the inventor of the file format pronounces it with a soft G”


Sorry, but the inventor is wrong. Just because you had a child doesn't mean you know what's best for it.

Graphics Interchange Format. Graphics has a hard G.

JIF with a soft G might be the Giraffe Interchange Format.

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