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The Best of Felony Fights compilation

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Should call it something like "Ruthless Inhuman Nothings Beat Unconscious Lifeless Bodies"

Seriously this is pathetic, at least when people watch Reality TV, people don't get violently beaten.


I used to watch these videos on junk sites like nothingtoxic and ebaums ...when i was 16.

There's a reason I enjoy videosift and its community so much. And it is definitely not this. =/

Once aimless violence shows up. So do all the immature trolling racist morons.
Please downvote as much as possible.


>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
I used to watch these videos on junk sites like nothingtoxic and ebaums ...when i was 16.
There's a reason I enjoy videosift and its community so much. And it is definitely not this. =/

Once aimless violence shows up. So do all the immature trolling racist morons.
Please downvote as much as possible.

How do you know what happens on videosift probie? If you don't want to watch a video don't click it. I agree downvote as much as possible. I have to beat Mr. Fisks -5 video.

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