The Bad Astronomer - The LHC, Large Hadron Collider

From The Bad Astronomer:
It’s difficult to express just how fracking impressive the Large Hadron Collider is. You really have to be there to understand how overwhelming and ginormous it is. Still and all, maybe the video I took of the tour will help get the idea across

I have to say though, it's kinda neat to see how boring and "click here to anihilate protons" the real thing is. I mean, if it was Hollywood, you just know the control room would look like the Cheyenne Mountain Complex warroom from that 80's movie, War Games. Kinda NASA Mission control meets a dream home theatre. Here, they spent like $250 billion on the collider and about $2500 outfitting the control room. They ever hear of Ikea over there?


>> ^Trancecoach:
So, there are many many people who believe that this collider will result in generating black holes that may destroy the earth.

I think the point of the worry is we are dealing the with same kinda forces that were around with the big bang...who knows what will happen, really. It is both exciting and scary, even more so when you think about the scale of this thing...that was only one small piece of the entire unit! That thing is huge! Like huge beyond the scale of any experiment mankind has ever attempted before.

I remember watching old footage of nuclear bomb tests out in the desert. They had troops all over the place right near ground zero. Nowadays, that would be unheard of because we know more about radioactive fall out and all the destruction they are capable of. But back then, it was an unknown factor. Same goes for this thing. They are taking all the precautions they can, but we are still dealing with something that mankind has never ever attempted on such a scale. I am actually glad its not next door to me

On the black hole note though, I think it has been shown that a black hole that would be generated by that thing would be so small that it would be of no consequence. That isn't know for sure obviously, and we all know the reputation that black holes have so I think peoples fears are semi justified.

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