The Atomic Cannon - 1953 Test Footage


Yes, I'm well aware of that cannon, but I've seen the exact effects that cannon supposedly produces on that film appearing on different clip where a bomb is said to cause it. Which is true, I don't know. The cannons projectile yields at 15kt, which means that it could actually cause that. That clip is beautifully edited btw, the original is black and white and quite bad quality.


My grandfather was a Col. in the Army at the time and called away from the family for this test. It was all kept Top Secret and they were not allowed to talk about the operation. The whole concept was to hide in the trenches explode it just enough above the surface as to keep the ground radiation to a minimum so the soldiers could move in right away.

This tactic is still on the board and I believe there were many more tests than this one.



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