Terrible and Shameless Australian Antivaxers on a Talk Show

Length: 13:23

The parents of a child dying of whooping cough appears on an Australian TV show discussing vaccination and confronting a herd of deadly and biased antivaxers.

Bunch of spineless twits. "It's not our responsibility, it's government" NO IT'S NOT! You are directly to blame if your child dies from lack of vaccination.

I would think that people who choose not to vaccinate are the same people, who read horoscopes, use "alternative" medicine and routinely pray to some sort of space ghost.


>> ^gwiz665:
Bunch of spineless twits. "It's not our responsibility, it's government" NO IT'S NOT! You are directly to blame if your child dies from lack of vaccination.

I think you misunderstand. The child was not vaccinated because she was only four weeks old. Babies are usually not vaccinated before they are a bit older than that, so children that young depend on herd immunity. In this case the vaccination rate in that part of Australia was to low to provide herd immunity:



I sort of regret upvoting this. They could have literally picked ANY scientist other than this douche to argue the case of science and he would have been more effective than this guy.

Wakefeild's faked his data. No large scale studies have linked vaccines to autism.

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