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Teacher totally flips out captured (of course) on cellphone

Bad quality, but rather surprising events that this guy will never be able to deny. Local news said, "School officials said Wood suffered from an apparent nervous breakdown."

i think fusionaut and enzo are saying the teacher lost control of the class, and I'm agreeing. Doesn't look like a rookie teacher, I bet there's a story behind this.

nervous breakdown my ass. teacher destroys ten cents of paper in last ditch effort to control class. Students laugh at teacher as he goes down in flames.


Fuck government schools. This asshole will be quietly reassigned. The teachers' unions protect their own no matter what. Caught fucking kids? Selling drugs to kids? No matter. These union fucks own the legislators. The "quality" of these dummy factories is evident everywhere there are sheeple. Fuck government schools.


To blame this scenario on teacher's unions is fucking ridiculous. To blame the quality of public education on the teacher's or their unions (which, like all unions these days are weak) is also fucking ridiculous. Don't blame the teachers who are trying to educate our society, blame the system that they are forced to operate under.

What is that system? Neoliberal policies that deny basic funding, the support of pedagogical practices that operate (as we have seen from this video) under power hierarchies. I would recommend reading Althusser's piece "Ideology and the Ideological State Apparatuses"

In it, he describes how the most power ISA is the public education system. It is here that children are indoctrinated 5 days a week, 8 hours a day in an ideology that reinforces the relations of production (exploitation of the Proletariat). To assume however, that if we had private institutions that we could avoid this is missing the point. Private education represents a continual push to prevent the Proletariat from having any sort of commons. Private education is the latest attempt to exploit the people even further and deny people their human needs. It also shows, and this is frightening, that in order to make up for the current economic crisis, there is a push to permenantly restructure the way people are educated. Private education will deny access to marginalized communities...I'll stop this rant.



>> ^quantumushroom:

Fuck government schools. This asshole will be quietly reassigned. The teachers' unions protect their own no matter what. Caught fucking kids? Selling drugs to kids? No matter. These union fucks own the legislators. The "quality" of these dummy factories is evident everywhere there are sheeple. Fuck government schools.

I think most people on the left would agree with you that our education system sucks and has really failed. However I think most would agree that giving it to corporations and "for profit" endeavors would just be the exact same sort of indoctrination. Actually it would probably be even worse seeing as corporations are tyrannical, top down hierarchical systems.


Not only in the US its hard for teachers.
I had about 5 teachers that were alcoholics and vented several times in front of the class when people werent listening again.
I actually wanted to be a teacher for some time as a child, but after I was done with school I wouldnt dare to think about that again.
There are lots of f-tards like in this videos, and they drag down the whole class and will to learn/teach something. Kids like that should just get their own special school (or stay at home, since they dont learn anything anway).


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