Teacher Fights Off A Man Trying To Kidnap A Girl

Simply amazing. A good case for fences and guards at schools, right there.

Awfully aggressive for a pedophile. Has an ex-husband-loses-custody-tries-to-grab-child kind of vibe about it.

...but what the fuck would I know. The only thing I've learned about pedophiles is they do quite a bit of damage to my truck's front bumper at highway speeds.


Quite audacious trying to grab a kid just like that. Good teacher, well done. They should have had him on the floor bleeding and waiting for the cops to show up, but this isn't bad either.


>> ^Payback:
Awfully aggressive for a pedophile. Has an ex-husband-loses-custody-tries-to-grab-child kind of vibe about it.

True. I changed the title since there's no way to actually know if he's just grabbing a girl or if he's the girl's father...


>> A good case for fences and guards at schools, right there.

Oh, my god no! Why should we turn our schools into prisons? Because of a random video on the internet with no context? Please, please fight these ideas and do not let them happen. Fences and guards will do more damage to the students in their life over any possible protection it might afford them. What happens when the next "pedophile grab" is 2 blocks away from the school? Armored transports?


>> ^CrushBug:
>> A good case for fences and guards at schools, right there.

Oh, my god no! Why should we turn our schools into prisons? Because of a random video on the internet with no context? Please, please fight these ideas and do not let them happen. Fences and guards will do more damage to the students in their life over any possible protection it might afford them. What happens when the next "pedophile grab" is 2 blocks away from the school? Armored transports?

Schools in Israel have fences and guards, actually. I've never felt like a prisoner while growing up. A guard that's looking to keep people out is something quite opposite to a guard looking to keep people in.


>> ^demon_ix:
Schools in Israel have fences and guards, actually. I've never felt like a prisoner while growing up. A guard that's looking to keep people out is something quite opposite to a guard looking to keep people in.

Right, but I am guessing that the daily threat to life in Israel is a little higher than other places in the world, like where this video was taken. My comment was in the context of this video and guessing that it was someplace in North America. Let's not start comparing these two rather different situations.


>> ^CrushBug:
Right, but I am guessing that the daily threat to life in Israel is a little higher than other places in the world, like where this video was taken. My comment was in the context of this video and guessing that it was someplace in North America. Let's not start comparing these two rather different situations.

Israel really isn't the constant war zone that TV makes it out to be. Not every Israeli has 17 gunshot wound scars.

The purpose of the fences are not to keep people in, but keep people who don't belong out. A school, and kindergarten much more so, has lots of vulnerable kids and teenagers, and should have a little more protection than just the teachers can provide. Limiting entry only to people who have business there isn't that extreme, imo.

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