
Too much focus on the Audubon Society, I think. Direct your anger at all the people who don't give a shit at all. The AS is at least helping these people, if indirectly, and it seems to me they're not doing it by accident.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

I know what you mean - almost too biting and serious for the show format - but I'm glad they did it.>> ^timtoner:

Easily the most depressing bit I've seen on the Daily Show. Well worth watching, and talking about.


>> ^calvados:


Hrm, may have upvoted prematurely, that doesn't seem to be the right link judging upon what people are talking about, that link sent me to an interview with james franco..

Infact, you're not even on the right day.

This should do it:


Also, @peggedbea, if you could please put the day the show aired next time it makes it easier for the rest of us to find a different link.

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