Strobe Light filmed at 5 million fps by HyperVision HPV-X

A Xenon strobe lamp filmed at 5 million frames per second, by a HyperVision HPV-X camera of Shimadzu. The camera can film at up to 10 million frames per second.

This was my favourite of a series of videos created by Shimadzu Europa GmbH. You can clearly see the whole process, like a mini lightning strike, complete with shock wave.

(via LiveLeak)

YouTube Description:

Ultra-high speed and high spatial Resolution! 10 Million Frames per second - HyperVision HPV-X Camera of Shimadzu. The transmission of a spark at the instant that a xenon flash-lamp is lit can be observed in detail.

It certainly is It's actually one of the major limiting factors when determining maximum power output of the lamp. If the power is too high, the shock wave can break the glass envelope.


Jeeze, is that a shock wave coming off the filament?


I thought it was refraction from the heat ?

so a shockwave like how a lightning bolt makes thunder I would guess ?


It certainly is It's actually one of the major limiting factors when determining maximum power output of the lamp. If the power is too high, the shock wave can break the glass envelope.

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