Steam Summer Sale 2014 Lord of the Rings style

I considered selecting the "War on Terror" channel, but my guess is the meme will get there eventually, if it hasn't by now.

LOL, thanks for letting me know the sale is on. Need to pick up the "Dragonborn" expansion. It hasn't gone on sale over 50% so fingers crossed we get to 66% this time round.


Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Thursday, June 19th, 2014 1:43pm PDT - promote requested by RedSky.



I'm glad I don't game much like I used to. I still need to resume and finish my Crysis 1, World in Conflict, C&C3:KW, Oblivion, a bunch of demo(nstration)s, etc. I even have a few games given to me for free like Skyrim which I haven't even started downloading!


Being poor sucks. I saw Monaco on a flash sale for 1,09€, and I still didn't get it because I only had 80 cents on my steam wallet lol


So this is what hell is like.... computer died so I've had to piece together one from old parts... HD anything gone. No game made after 2003 will run and It's going to be a long long time before I can afford to rebuild.... and now the steam summer sale.... I could cry.... welp time to go play in traffic.


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