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Spanish cops epic fail

A couple of spanish police officers (SWAT wannabes) live on tv go to some random house after receiving a call that a thief has been spoted.

Trying to impress the reporter, they don't just mess up and go to the wrong house (the one next to where they were supposed to go), but they go onto arresting the leaf stealing thief (which happened to be the gardener)

Note: For those wondering about "Los Hombres de Harrelson", that is the name that the TV series "SWAT" had in Spain

>> ^ForgedReality:
Right as they open the gate, I swear I hear the guy go "Nacho Libre."

That is actually a "derecha libre" -> "right clear"

But "Nacho libre" would have also made sense, since "Nacho" is a name, and not just for a food

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