Space Invaders WTC - A Controversial Piece Of Art

This is Douglas Edric Stanley's 'Space Invaders/World Trade Center piece'. He came under fire recently from people who took offence to the piece, and himself felt the need to explain it, kind of sad, as half the point of this type of work is to find a definition about it yourself.

Anyway, here it is, incidentally, Taito have bounded in and is whineing about interlectual infringment, to be fair, I point granted, however Space Invaders is iconic....

More can be found at this website

Someone over at kotaku made a brilliant point about all those bitching about this piece of work.

Since sept 11, the govt. and everyone in support of them have been using 911 as an excuse to disregard international laws, destroy habeus corpus, destroy Miranda, start illegal wars, torture, rendition etc....but when it comes to using 911 as an art exhibition, all of a sudden its immoral and should be taken down ?

Pretty ironic..


although it depends on the artists intentoins and motivatoins

generaly i think its cheep and unemjanative to siply use something thats contraversual as a platform to drive atnetoin to your peace of art,

allso this looks realy badly exicuted


I think its great.
Art is made to make people question. If you look at "art" and feel indifference, the artist is not doing their job.

And yes, even shock value art is still art, cause it raises consciousness and discussion.


I dodnot say it wasnot art i was drawing atentoin to the fact that in this case the peace of art showd a lack of thought and effort. whtch wouldent matter if it convayed something intresting.

its like if i was to draw a happy face on some skin i cut of a dead person as a statment.

art is a matter of the artists intentoins and judging by the outcome of this and how the artist had know idea as to what would happen shows he did not put that mutch thought into his art or maby is not exactly a gr8 thinker.

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