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Soldier Throws Dog Off A Cliff

This shows two US Soldier goofing about and one of them throws a puppy off a cliff :| Really REALLY hope this is fake

Not marking comedy, although I think its fake, this is still making the news...

tell me what you think

Wasn't sure about upvoting this, because it is kind of distressing that thousands of people killed doesn't seem to raise the uproar this vid did. But then maybe that is a reason to upvote it.


That scumbag is a real man he is.....that is humiliating that a US soldier would act like that.....I pray that he gets what is coming to him.

his name:

David Motari
24419 Florence Acres Rd
Monroe, WA 98272-9662
Phone: (360) 794-7191

soldier David Motari throws puppy off cliff video:

I copied these from the other comments of the same video:

Soldiers blow up dog, find it funny

Soldiers, tormenting a dog...

blowing up a kitten and cheering

Soldiers killing civilians in front of their children

Any idea why they hate us?


Please, Videoxxs, how do we know this is the man and his address? And even if we would know for sure, the man could have family members, neighbours &c that could be harmed as a result of posting this. Could you please, please, please, remove it?


my vote: delete videoxx2's comment, soonish.

@Octopussy: The info is all over the net., they even have a web site for just this now. *facepalm* this guy is going to fry now, if only to curb a PR flap.


I thought this being discarded, would be a nonissue (its been discarded for days)
Videoxx2's does not belong here I agree, I remember posting personnel detail like that is not accepted on the sift...

Marine Gunrock, I did not post this for any other reason that it made the news and was franking, fucking disturbing, if not a fake...then wtf does this show? I put it here to ask other people what they always thought of it.

It the end it turned out to be on the sift talk and so was discarded, I thought that was fair, the other was posted hours before mine, and though nothing else of this video...


Aside from this being a dupe, I don't see why videos like these shouldn't have a place on the Sift. It's newsworthy. If we're discussing this because of videoxx2's comment, then I'm indifferent. It could be deleted or it could remain and I'd sleep just as soundly tonight.

Which begs the question... why is this being discussed? Is it because of the content of the video OR videoxx2's comment?


>> ^lucky760:
[FYI, discarded videos aren't shown in any listings. Undiscarded this so the discussion may begin.]

Ah, that would explain it then.

So, discussion: We really don't have any verbiage in the faq about posting personal information about someone. I personally know where that info came from (I listed the site in my comment above). That doesn't mean that I feel it needs to be here, or anywhere for that matter. It's a personal attack, in it's lowest form.

I'd say we at least need to delete (or blank out the text) of the post. And the user is a P (and one that looks like they signed up just to do this comment), a * ban might be in order. But that's only because the posting is in poor form, not because a rule was broken (again, because there's nothing in the faq)

Thoughts from everyone?


Hey Blankfist,
myself, I put this video here, because of the uproar it had caused, I could not see a reason not post, if someone strongly objected to it, then of course don't vote or downvote, but it was at one point, contended to be fake, and this made me wonder what others thought.

As for the comment, well you might be indifferent but I don't think comments like that belong on the sift the comment contains personal info, that is my objection, as I think posting info does not belong here.


MarineGunrock is a real man he is! He ate a sandwich in under two minutes...

his name:

Kyle Swallows
576 jarhead ave
Anklegrab, MS 19382-3729
Phone: 827-555-1837

He posted this VideoSift theme song:

He thinks jokes about Starbucks Coffee are funny:

He's edgy:

Here's one of his idols!

And he wonders why we hate him...


Blankfist: we already beat the horse dead and then some about the video itself. This is about the comment. It could be with any other video (with different personal info, of course) and it would still get discussed. It's just bad timing it has to be THIS video.


Unlike the Officer Rivieri video, there is nothing in this one that positively identifies who this Marine is. So regardless of whether anyone thinks the Marine who committed this heinous act deserves abuse, I still ask that you remove his name and address, just as Octopussy already asked. We should not risk possibly exposing the wrong person to horrendous abuse.

If not, could an admin please redact only that part of videoxx2's comment? Normally I would never ask that you edit any part of someone's comments, but I think this particular case qualifies as a special exception.


The comment should be removed, or if you feel nice, then edit
but I think this message is spam

# What can't I say in a comment?

We love a good fiery comment thread, but sometimes they go overboard. Please avoid personal attacks. It's okay to criticize ideas but refrain personal insults. Please avoid blatantly racist speech, threats, or other verbal abuse. This goes for comments in public arenas as well as private member profile comments. If a comment is bad enough it will probably be deleted due to negative feedback. If these types of comments are regular occurrences, we will probably ask you to leave the community.

Thats my two cents...


And videoxx2: How many other websites did you register at just to post his personal info? If your presence here is just to post that info, than we don't want that kind of contribution. We aim to have positive contributions here, not just ones made out of spite or from some crappy internet-vendetta.

[edit] One last thing: Those websites you linked to don't prove shit. Also, I'm already sick of people saying that "It was alive! puppies go slack when you pick them up by the skin on their neck!" Umm... How does being completely limp and apparently devoid of life prove that it was alive?


Only published, queued, or discarded videos, published Sift Talk posts, and published blog posts may be promoted - ignoring promote request by MarineGunrock.


Only published, queued, or discarded videos, published Sift Talk posts, and published blog posts may be promoted - ignoring promote request by MarineGunrock.

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