Smart kitty

Ten-second video that shows how one of the cleverest cats on earth decides to get down from the roof of a garage.

"one of the cleverest cats on earth" ????

errr, no. probably just stepped on that one day and was like "oh, cool, goes down."

that's not cleverness.

i can't even put this in my "fish have feelings" list. "cat has balance skills" doesn't have that ring to it.


Holy Christ! Even I'm shocked by this response! Not that I'm ungrateful, mind you. I just think it's unusual for so many up-votes for this. Not that I agree with MINK, whom I think fails to recognize the brilliance of this kitty, but I'm surprised by the number of people who even took the time to view this video in the first place. I seriously thank all my up-voters. And to my one down-voter to date, i.e, MINK: I can live with your scorn. I never take it personally. I just hope you reserve your hate for special occasions for more than my little pussy adventure. I'd hate to see your scorn wasted solely upon a trite little kitty video, you know what I mean?

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