Six Photographers Test Their Right to Shoot in London

On Tuesday 21 June 2011 six photographers were assigned different areas of the City to photograph. Some used tripods, some went hand held, one set up a 5 x 4.

All were instructed to keep to public land and photograph the area as they would on a normal day. The event aimed to test the policing of public and private space by private security firms and their reaction to photographers.

All six photographers were stopped on at least one occasion. Three encounters led to police action.

This is what happened.


just build some nice underground offices to keep your god damn "confidential stuff" out of sight.
while I get the mentality behind of "no photos" but the level of frustration one has to go to take a picture in the city is just unacceptable.


As a former security guard I am empathise with the guards position. They are hired to protect the interests of private property and to investigate potential incidents concerning that property. However, they have no powers beyond that and have no legal status beyond the bounds of that property. They are allowed to ask questions of you but no more than anyone else does. You can tell them whatever you want. What particularly annoys me about the guards in this video is that they try to intimidate people and they are not even really sure why. If they genuinely thought it was a security risk, ie. terrorism, they should be calling the police immediately. Terrorism act? "What part of the act?" "We're going to stop this conversation now". Intimidation FAIL!

As a former photographer I did like the property manager guy. What he said was spot on. Private use = a ok. Commercial use = maybe some issues but nothing major. I dealt with many such people and most of them were proud of their buildings and found it exciting to have people interested in it.


"They would like you to get their permission." How wonderful if everyone tourists and all who wanted to take pictures in the area whether the building is the main subject or just in the background went inside to ask permission.


It would give the security guards something to do... >> ^ctrlaltbleach:

"They would like you to get their permission." How wonderful if everyone tourists and all who wanted to take pictures in the area whether the building is the main subject or just in the background went inside to ask permission.


i can't prove my idea, but i don't think we had this many security guards 40-50 years ago.

I suppose government and corporations really need to keep the little people out (or down) but it really looks like every single building has a security team.

it would take a small army of ruffians to hit everywhere at once

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