Sarah Palin's Awesome Sport of Aerial Wolf-Maiming

Apparently, some people consider this a "sport". To others, this is just plain cruelty.

Her most recent Gubernatorial effort has been to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to remove the polar bear from the endangered species list.

Apparently, Sarah only loves some of God's creatures. Others, they can die in a cruel, bloody, horrible way.

That's cruel. But how about using helicopters and grenades instead? That would kick ass!!! Flash, concussion, shrapnel, tear gas... God, that would be fun.


That is cruel, but no upvote as it uses the term 'God's creatures'... urgh. What about respect for another living thing, how about not bringing belief in a deity into it.


>> ^spoco2:
That is cruel, but no upvote as it uses the term 'God's creatures'...

Well, for a non-theist like me, there is no such thing as a "god's creature".

But, for people like Palin (i.e. fiendish snake worshippers and end-timers) it just adds to the hypocrisy that she'd hunt and kill one of her gods' creatures.


You can not legally shoot a wolf from an airplane for sport in the United States.

The idea (read:'loophole') that Gov. Palin supports is to eliminate the other predators (foxes, coyotes, wolves) so human hunters have more prey available to take down. This reason falls under the 'protect wildlife' exception in the Airborn Hunting Act (above link), and thus permits are issued to control the wolf population to increase the caribou/moose/etc. populations. (a good link I just found)


I'd totally agree with this sport, but only if it were done with throwing-stars.

Or, if you had to catch the wolves with your bare hands, and gnaw it's jugular with your teeth.


I understand sustenance hunting and/or population control but this is just going a tad overboard. It's already bad enough that you can scope an unknowing animal from nearly a mile away on the ground. Where's the thrill of the hunt? Be a man and use something propelled by your own leverage like a compound bow, at the very least. Give these wild animals the fighting chance and respect they deserve.


^agreed. I told my husband something like this once after he mentioned taking up hunting.

I said, "Sure, bring meat to the table! BUT no high powered rifles and covered perches where you sit and wait for Bambi to come feast on bait down below... You must RUN! w/ only a spear in your hand to dispatch your prey!!!"

He was amused, went out and bought a camo's sat in the closet now for about 4 years unworn.

Seriously though, I love animals and personally I think it's sick to take pleasure from taking the life of one. But I'm no hypocrite either. I eat beef, chicken, pork and seafood all the time.

There is such a thing as ethical hunting. This video is not an example of that.


I struggle consistantly as a meat-eater because I feel like a hypocrite. I definitely love the taste of meat, but I can't bring myself to think of actually killing an animal myself. As for killing an animal from a helicopter/plane, I dunno, it just doesn't seem THAT different from "on foot" hunting. Claims that the animal can only be wounded and therefore suffer a lot... well... are we assuming that people on foot are somehow perfect shots? What about bow-hunting?

Edit: oh, and Aniatario, even if they don't win, think of this: at least half of this country seems to think that they are viable right now... its not like winning the election suddenly gives you 100% support. Remember, it is a close race right now, even if Obama wins, a hell of a lot of people are still voting for McCain.


>> ^ponceleon:think of this: at least half of this country seems to think that they are viable right now...

Make that "less than 25% of the voting age population"

Remember, they only poll registered voters. And 50% don't vote anyway!


>> ^volumptuous:
>> ^ponceleon:think of this: at least half of this country seems to think that they are viable right now...

Make that "less than 25% of the voting age population"
Remember, they only poll registered voters. And 50% don't vote anyway!

Perhaps, but remember, 4 years into George Bush a "majority" of people got together and decided to elect him again... I think it is really dangerous to think that McCain can't win. In fact. I would say that if he does win, we deserve him as a country.


>> ^swampgirl:
^agreed. I told my husband something like this once after he mentioned taking up hunting.
I said, "Sure, bring meat to the table! BUT no high powered rifles and covered perches where you sit and wait for Bambi to come feast on bait down below... You must RUN! w/ only a spear in your hand to dispatch your prey!!!"
He was amused, went out and bought a camo's sat in the closet now for about 4 years unworn.

A high powered rifle like a .30-30 or a .30 '06 will give a MUCH greater chance at a clean quick kill than a spear or a bow.
Wanna sell the suit?


^LOL sorry MGR. I think he wants to keep it.

I agree with you about the quick kill. You just can't call it a "sport" then can you? It's just plain hunting food.

It's only a sport if you're competing against the animal fairly... if that's possible


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