Sarah Palin on Obama's Nuclear Policy

y/t: TheDailyBeastVideo — April 9, 2010 -- Appearing at Southern Republican Leadership Conference Friday, Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin continued to criticize President Obama's new nuclear weapons policy. Obama was dismissive of her earlier comments and she shot back, recycling an attack from the campaign.

She says Nuclear the same way Bush does... Incorrectly.

I don't understand why some people love her. Yes she's pretty, but she's also pretty dumb. I suppose some people just relish the thought of fiasco politics, as if they get off on a comedy of blundering errors in positions of power. Didn't she condone book burning a few years back? Could you imagine if someone like this were to come into office? Just think of the executive orders that would pass through her desk. It'd be worse than Bush's I'll bet.

On that note, what's with Obama signing executive orders? Wasn't he supposed to dismantle some of Bushs and promised not to abuse it as well? Sigh, this is what we get for going along with the old two party system. It's sad because even any 3rd party that emerges gets hijacked by one of these two parties as well. I guess we're stuck with whatever we're told are "supercandidates". It's really sad... really sad indeed.


Well sure, everyone knows hockey moms, with their 'you bet'cha!' attitudes, have ten times the 'vast experience' dealing with nuclear arms treaties.

But wait...what? Obama was also the chief editor of the Harvard Law Rewview? He taught classes law classes at Harvard? That might give him experience dealing with international treaties and executive orders?

Maybe the applause sign at these things reads "More facts swept under the rug!!!"


It's funny when you don't even have to watch the video to know that whatever she says will be incredibly outrageously embarrassingly FUCKING RETARDED. I don't even have to wonder. It's kind of comforting.

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