Russian Truckers do not endorse racketeering.

A truck stopped at the side of the road to change its wheel. Two guys from the blue "Lada 9" approached the driver and threatened him in the attempt to extort money.
The truck driver used CB radio and called for the help of other truck drivers...

(Make sure annotations are on)

"Listen STALKER, we can do this easy way.... or hard way, eh?"

EDIT: Assuming all of this went down as it was described, that was awesome. Kind of wish instead of beating them they would have only flipped the car over, but that no one died I can still hope they learned their lesson. Nice camaraderie and sense of street justice.

Russia is the urban wild-west come true.


Aw, the poor extorter got his ass beat.

Never taken a beating before? It ain't that bad, but it is humiliating. First time I ever got beat up, the physical pain didn't matter at all, it was the humiliation factor that was key.


"Listen STALKER, we can do this easy way.... or hard way, eh?"

EDIT: Assuming all of this went down as it was described, that was awesome. Kind of wish instead of beating them they would have only flipped the car over, but that no one died I can still hope they learned their lesson. Nice camaraderie and sense of street justice.

Russia is the urban wild-west come true.

SDGundamXjokingly says...

Sure it ain't that bad. It's not like anyone ever got hospitalized, maimed, or died from a beating, right?

It's too bad modern societies don't have other deterrents to criminal behavior like... I don't know, police or prisons or something. Maybe someday in the future CB radios will even be able to call those police to alert them of a crime in progress.

I guess for now though we'll just have rely on vigilante truckers for justice.


Aw, the poor extorter got his ass beat.

Never taken a beating before? It ain't that bad, but it is humiliating. First time I ever got beat up, the physical pain didn't matter at all, it was the humiliation factor that was key.

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