Rottenseed leaves Swampgirl a phone message

It's a phone message, do don't expect to be wowed by visuals, because there aren't any. This guy Dimitri exists, too! Check him out here:

From "In all my years of studying douchebaggery, never have i encountered anything like this. It’s such pure and unadulterated douche that I wish I could bottle it and use just a drop of it at a time.

The back story on this is that a girl named Olga was out with her friends in the Marina district of San Francisco (known for being a popular hang out for douches), and she talked to this guy named Dmitri for all of two minutes. Then she gave him her card and said “give me a call.” The above is the messages he left. Listen to the whole thing, it just keeps getting better and better. I won’t even tell you my favorite parts because i don’t want to ruin anything. Just listen."

I love how he has to throw in that he's Greek. All of my Greek friends love to talk about Greece this or Greek that. I can't start a conversation with them without them bringing it up as if they're so proud of themselves for being Greek. They're not even from Greece. They were raised in North Carolina. You don't hear me yapping on and on about how awesome German is or wherever the hell my mutt ancestry is from.


That dude needs to work on his self-confidence.

I can give him some pointers, but I'm working on my own movie script right now, so I'm very busy.


the rest of this audio might have gone something like this:
(3 hours later, 6PM)
"Maybe you're dead, or one of those other things I mentioned in the last message. I need to know, though...there are three women banging on my door right now because they saw me at the gas station pumping gas into my Corvette and they followed me home. Just listen to them! (sounds of pounding on a kitchen cabinet and poorly impersonated female voices screaming muffledly 'Dimitri! Dimitri!') See how special you are? I'm ignoring them because they are interrupting my call to you, Olga.
21 more hours."
(9 hours later, 3AM)
"ok, 'Ms. Ghost'. There are 'Puerto Rican girls just dyin' to meet 'ya'. That's right. I erased your number from my address book but it was still in my 'dialed calls' list. So, because you made such an impression on me, I thought I would tell you to not bother calling me if you don't respond soon. I'll let them in without you.
'Don't forget this fact, you can't get it back."
(No further calls from Dimitri.)

There. I think I represented that ok.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'douchebag, douchebaggery, phone message, cocky' to 'douchebag, douchebaggery, phone message, cocky, viral' - edited by yoghurt


This is just I think I took an improv class with this guy here in Vegas. Can you get so self-absorbed that you literally collapse in on yourself and create a walking assblackhole?

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