Ron Paul on The View 12-4-07

2008 Presidential candidate Congressman Dr. Ron Paul is interviewed on The View on December 4, 2007.

Damnit Whoopi you're everywhere I turn now. Its funny how here is a guy works in CONGRESS and is a DOCTOR but they are going to talk to him like they know government and child birth better than he does. Whoopi "I dont think thats true sir", really? Like he wouldnt know what laws the federal government has passed, hell he probably was involved in the voting of that law but oh he must not know what he's talking aboutt. Then of course the end where the real chatty one has to take the typical dig at him as a loser


I think it's a false dichotomy saying either-if on abortion. There's a very big difference between aborting a birth within the first month and in the eigth month.

The problem with moving it to a state level is that many states are retarded - or would ban it altogether, and that takes away the choice from the mother and thus removes it from the local authority, so to speak. Now, I honestly don't know the specifics of Roe v. Wade, but in Denmark, where I'm from, we have free abortion within the first 12 weeks, and after that special circumstances have to allow it - this is decided for each individual case.

If Roe v. Wade allows for eight month abortions - just like that - then I agree that it is murder, and it plays all to well in to "pro-life" and religious cooks hands.

(Btw, it's sort of fun how people always choose a "pro-something" never anti.. "anti-choice" sounds a bit worse than pro-life, and anti-life is just funny.)


Roe v. Wade sets the abortion limit up to the point the fetus can live outside the womb (viable) unless the woman's health is in danger. States are also given the power to further regulate abortion; required counseling, a wait period, or parental notification or consent. I'm pretty sure there some state laws on 'late term' abortion, but I don't think the states can outlaw it completely.

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