Rockstar's L.A. Noire - Animation and Facial Tech Trailer

The new bar in performance capture for games. Nice work Team Bondi & Rockstar!!

this is definitely a good solid step-up in gaming technolgy. It will definitely help transform games into a more "respectable" medium, and will probably create a lot of jobs for unemployed actors.


Hmm, the face motion-cap tech looks great. License it to George Lucas, and retire.

The game itself, on the other hand -- I'm not convinced. It looks sort of like the gaming equivalent of "choose your own adventure" books. Go through a series of static, completely scripted scenes, make one brief decision and you're off to another. Sure you can have a lot of real, actual game between the scripted exchanges, and you can have multiple versions of the scripted bits to account for previous decisions, but eventually that exponential growth of outcomes will catch up with you unless you limit the differences; ie. make the few decisions that you actually make and most of your gameplay outcomes not even matter.

Of course, I'm basing that off of a brief video that is meant to highlight the face motion-cap tech rather than the story, so maybe I'd change my tune upon seeing more.


Mikeman, considering their work in open world environments, I have a feeling you will be doing alot of investigating of the scenes in complete 3d. More akin to alan wake?

The facial capture looks very good..but very..wierd. It almost seems like the face remolds itself rather then containing a skeletal structure and muscles that move. I keep getting drawn to the lips and they look like liquid, even to the point where they close up completely at times.

On the flip side for such detailed heads, I was unimpressed with the character models.


Apparently the facial motion capture technology is owned by a Sidney company called Depth Analysis. That's good, it means it might be licensed out to many developers and ported to other engines.

Also, it's a very minor thing but it's cool to see that Rockstar is letting one of their studios be called something other than Rockstar direction/city. The game looks promising, hopefully the gameplay will be as high quality as the acting.


Ooh, I was wondering when someone was going to start implementing this.

Looks great - but your motion capture animations still look incredibly goofy, rockstar!

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