Ricky Gervais With Charlie Rose on Derek

Best show of this ilk ever in my opinion and I love listening to him talk about it.

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I couldn't watch the Office because the awkward literally hurts me. I have to watch Louie with a friend or I turn it off, I'm a big baby. So is Derek is really worth checking out, or is it more of the Office painful everything?


No, it is nothing like The Office. There is no awkwardness at all. It is just happy and funny with a healthy dose of pathos. I highly recommend it if you're feeling a bit low, because whenever I have watched it, I spend hours after in a state of contentment

And I completely get you about the physical pain you feel when you are faced with cringy comedy. When something does make me cringe, I feel daunted and unhappy and it doesn't matter how funny it might be, I can't watch!


I couldn't watch the Office because the awkward literally hurts me. I have to watch Louie with a friend or I turn it off, I'm a big baby. So is Derek is really worth checking out, or is it more of the Office painful everything?

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