
*quality Quake is a game I will never forget and always appreciate. New Doom is awesome, but still - no where as immersive as Quake was when it was first released.


I still remember when I downloaded qtestx86 for Linux and playing it in a college's computer lab's computer with no sound card on LAN. It was on a Sunday night too. It was SO rad.


*quality Quake is a game I will never forget and always appreciate. New Doom is awesome, but still - no where as immersive as Quake was when it was first released.


The soundtrack for Quake is/was awesome. But, yeah - I really got into even heavier music than I was into already at the time and would listen to that while playing any number of multiplayer Quake mods.

The segment about Threewave CTF (with the grappling hook) really shot a wave of nostalgia through me. Aside from some really unique Ultima Online guild skirmishes, Threewave CTF for me takes the cake for best multiplayer experiences I've ever had ; and to lesser extents Doom 2 over dialup and WoW.


I still remember when I downloaded qtestx86 for Linux and playing it in a college's computer lab's computer with no sound card on LAN. It was on a Sunday night too. It was SO rad.


Remember, QuakeWorld? I remember id Software made this client to make the game much better online for dial-upers like me who had crappy GTE phone services (e.g., 21600-26400 connections on faster modems!).


The soundtrack for Quake is/was awesome. But, yeah - I really got into even heavier music than I was into already at the time and would listen to that while playing any number of multiplayer Quake mods.

The segment about Threewave CTF (with the grappling hook) really shot a wave of nostalgia through me. Aside from some really unique Ultima Online guild skirmishes, Threewave CTF for me takes the cake for best multiplayer experiences I've ever had ; and to lesser extents Doom 2 over dialup and WoW.


Yeah, I remember Quakeworld... I also remember Mplayer, Kali, Gamespy, TEN (Total Entertainment Network which was my favorite back then). Dial in and join chatrooms for Duke Nukem/Quake (1&2) matches and such... I'm not sure what happened with that, it almost seemed like it was a little too ahead of it's time (subscription fee and all). They also had a pretty cool exclusive MMO @ 1997/1998 called Dark Sun Online based on the AD&D franchise.

Hilarious to think that services like TEN & Mplayer seized to exist because of the example that Blizzard (one of my favorite developers) set with Battlenet being intrinsically a part of the game. It's a lot more convenient but I do miss those broad services & community that came with it. And now with all of this online only as basically an anti-piracy measure... every company has some sort of shite program that you have to download and log into. It sucks comparatively!!


Remember, QuakeWorld? I remember id Software made this client to make the game much better online for dial-upers like me who had crappy GTE phone services (e.g., 21600-26400 connections on faster modems!).


I still have my Kali.

I remember SirDOOM for MajorBBSes for DOOM, Descent, etc. No Quake.


Yeah, I remember Quakeworld... I also remember Mplayer, Kali, TEN (Total Entertainment Network which was my favorite back then). Dial in and join chatrooms for Duke Nukem/Quake (1&2) matches and such... I'm not sure what happened with that, it almost seemed like it was a little too ahead of it's time (subscription fee and all). They also had a pretty cool exclusive MMO @ 1997/1998 called Dark Sun Online based on the AD&D franchise.

Hilarious to think that services like TEN & Mplayer seized to exist because of the example that Blizzard (one of my favorite developers) set with Battlenet being intrinsically a part of the game. It's a lot more convenient but I do miss those broad services & community that came with it. And now with all of this online only as basically an anti-piracy measure... every company has some sort of shite program that you have to download and log into. It sucks comparatively!!


Man, the glory of 90s pc gaming . . . Quake and Descent were what I grew up on.
Also, it's cool to see Warsow get a nod in the end there. Still my favorite modern arena shooter!


I won a Palm III as 1st place prize for a Quake tournament my freshman year of college. The final match was so close and frantic. (top 3 scores were 33,31,29) Quake II was already out at the time, and going back to Q1 deathmatch was much faster pace.
I brought my headphones and a 3M Precise Mousing Surface with me, both which gave an advantage. Ah Glory Days.


Are there recordings and photo(graph)s of you winning?


I won a Palm III as 1st place prize for a Quake tournament my freshman year of college. The final match was so close and frantic. (top 3 scores were 33,31,29) Quake II was already out at the time, and going back to Q1 deathmatch was much faster pace.
I brought my headphones and a 3M Precise Mousing Surface with me, both which gave an advantage. Ah Glory Days.


I think it's a lot worse watching someone else play. I also got motion sickness watching this video, but I can't remember the last time I felt sick actually playing a game.


Tried watching this late last night, I actually got nausea from the movement and made it about 30 mins through.

I must be old.


I get motion sickness when I have a bad cold/flu when playing FPS games.


I think it's a lot worse watching someone else play. I also got motion sickness watching this video, but I can't remember the last time I felt sick actually playing a game.


Before the match, one of the moderators said he was going to record a demo (quake engine built-in recorder), but he never followed up when I asked him how to get a copy.

The final points were memorable - I just got the pentagram of protection, then went underwater chasing after 2 guys, and discharged the lightning gun (doesn't suicide with that power-up).


Are there recordings and photo(graph)s of you winning?

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