Resettling The ResidentsOf MarALago

Turnabout is fair play, and like Palestinians, no country will take the Trumps.

Er... before resettling Mar-a-Lago, to have an even fairer equivalency, shouldn't we eliminate, like, all the Trumps, robin hood all their ill-gotten gains, stave them to near death before resettling them out into the Gulf of Mexico?

They don't deserve to get off easy.


To be totally fair, first someone would need to blow up all Trump properties at random while they are inside, like is done to Palestinians. Actually, they would need to tell them which property is safe, then bomb it into oblivion when they go there like was done to Palestinians. 😂

But life’s not fair.


Er... before resettling Mar-a-Lago, to have an even fairer equivalency, shouldn't we eliminate, like, all the Trumps, robin hood all their ill-gotten gains, stave them to near death before resettling them out into the Gulf of Mexico?

They don't deserve to get off easy.

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