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Police training video that warns of hidden and improvised weapons

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

A video to scare the shit outta police cadets?
So thaat's why most cops are overly aggressive jerkbags.

So it couldn't preparing them for situations where this could actually happen, right?

It may sound stupid, but I've told the story before, but I guess it needs repetition. My dad was chasing down a suspect (can't remember the reason, but when my dad pulled him over he bolted from the car).

After a lengthy chase the guy finally slipped on a patch of black ice and went down. My dad instantly got on top of him and cuffed him

Turns out, the guy fleeing had a hunting knife concealed on him.

So, yeah, you may see this as "Scaring the cadets". I see this as "Learn, so this doesn't happen to you."


Right. I get that. This would be a pretty useless training video without that wide variety of info.

I was just making an observation that most cops are easily agitated by even the least intimidating citizens i.e. 13 year old kids.

Videos they remember, like this one, are probably a contributing factor.

Cause.. ::Ollie Williams voice:: "damn, two foot long belt knife. You scary!"

>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
A video to scare the shit outta police cadets?
So thaat's why most cops are overly aggressive jerkbags.

So it couldn't preparing them for situations where this could actually happen, right?
It may sound stupid, but I've told the story before, but I guess it needs repetition. My dad was chasing down a suspect (can't remember the reason, but when my dad pulled him over he bolted from the car).
After a lengthy chase the guy finally slipped on a patch of black ice and went down. My dad instantly got on top of him and cuffed him
Turns out, the guy fleeing had a hunting knife concealed on him.
So, yeah, you may see this as "Scaring the cadets". I see this as "Learn, so this doesn't happen to you."


Most cops? So you've met a huge amount of police officers, and they all get agitated by 13 year olds?

There are bad apples out there, but generalizing police like that is moronic.
>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
I was just making an observation that most cops are easily agitated by even the least intimidating citizens i.e. 13 year old kids.


Only if you take hyberbole to be literal.

Tho for the most part, every cop i've come across [five or six personally] was agitated by the even slightest question to his authority. i.e. "Why am I being detained if I clearly haven't broken any law?"

The stories of my friends and videos on this site conform this.
Hence, why i have no problem with the "most cops" generalization.
>> ^Skeeve:

Most cops? So you've met a huge amount of police officers, and they all get agitated by 13 year olds?
There are bad apples out there, but generalizing police like that is moronic.


Here's why this generalization is stupid:

You're getting your information from 5 or 6 police officers (who you seem to have been on the wrong side of already), some "friends" and an internet video site.

Let's look at some facts:

It's estimated that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) have 22,000 to 23,000 contacts with the public every day. If they had 100 newsworthy misuse of authority or "police brutality" complaints every day then those actions would still be only a minute fraction of a percent. As it is, there are 4-5 newsworthy cases every year which puts it somewhere around 0.0000007% that someone is going to be a victim of some kind of police infraction.

As for being authoritative, these are people who have to deal with violent scum on a daily basis. They wouldn't last long if they were meek and let people walk all over them. But you don't have to worry about that if you are treating the police with some respect and not being an idiot.

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Only if you take hyberbole to be literal.
Tho for the most part, every cop i've come across [five or six personally] was agitated by the even slightest question to his authority. i.e. "Why am I being detained if I clearly haven't broken any law?"
The stories of my friends and videos on this site conform this.
Hence, why i have no problem with the "most cops" generalization.


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