White Paranoia on Black Issues

What every white person should know.

Sagemind, I downvoted because I don't give ethnic people a pass for making racist arguments. It could easily be some white skinhead saying the same things, and that would be a very easy downvote for me.

I don't know the speaker's motives, but his anti-black views aren't legitimized because he himself is black. I wonder what his congregation (if he has one) thinks about his rant.


>> ^longde:
Sagemind, I downvoted because I don't give ethnic people a pass for making racist arguments. It could easily be some white skinhead saying the same things, and that would be a very easy downvote for me.
I don't know the speaker's motives, but his anti-black views aren't legitimized because he himself is black. I wonder what his congregation (if he has one) thinks about his rant.



I don't think he is intentionally being racist.

I believe what he is referring to is the political atmosphere surrounding the issue. That being black shouldn't give you a "pass".

As members of a community, we stand up to make the area our families live, work and play in as safe and respectable as possible. We don't litter on the ground, we don't swear when children are around, we don't aim to intimidate others and so on.

If we see a white person doing something offensive, being a public nuisance, acting in a way that is menacing to us or our children, we say something.

Now, if those same offenders are racially different, in this case black, it is no longer becoming socially correct to point them out. If we do, the race card is played! What this man is saying, is that black people need to hold themselves to the same standards as any other citizen on the street. Now, this is not aimed at people who are great people, it's aimed at people who use race as an excuse to their actions.

An an example:
My wife worked at a Union job in a hospital. There was a woman there, of East Indian decent. She didn't do her work, she called in sick constantly, sometimes never showed up to work, she was rude to all other workers and never finished any task that was given to her. When she was reprimanded and put on warning, she put a grievance with the union that it was race motivated and when it got so bad that she thought she would loose her job, she had the union re-assign her to a different department. The problem was, she had already transfered from seven other departments with the same complaints against her and in every case she claimed racism.

Because she claimed racism, even the Union was afraid to admit that she was a bad seed in the workplace and needed to be let go. No one wants to be labeled a racist and we go to great lengths to protect ourselves from that label. Even when it means that we let people get away with things they shouldn't just because they claim racism.

The Ironic part here is now I have to say "I am not a racist" just to protect myself. I love people of all colours and religious backgrounds because I find them amazingly interesting. I have no inherited cultural background myself so I am very envious of people that have these backgrounds and customs.
(EDIT: at he same time, I never put one race above or below another. I couldn't care less about the skin colour, when I talk about cultural backgrounds, I am also referring to Scottish, Irish, Ukrainian, French etc.)

What I shouldn't have to do is fear that if someone is doing something wrong, and I am in the position to do something about it, that I get called a racist for my actions. People need to hold themselves accountable and not use the "Race" card as an excuse for their actions!


Spot on on your post, Sagemind.

>> ^Sagemind:
I have no inherited cultural background myself so I am very envious of people that have these backgrounds and customs.

But what do you mean that you don't have a cultural background? Did you just materialize from vapour this morning?

I assume that you're White and were convinced into thinking that European culture doesn't exist and that African, Asians and South Americans are the only "cultures" around worth anything.

It is very disturbing that you would label yourself as cultureless, but don't worry it isn't your fault. There's been a steady, consistent and very efficient push on anti-White cultural propaganda since the mid 70s. Most people bought it.

About your "lack of culture". Let's see what comprises a culture and what you have:

Language: Check
Didactic methods: Check
Political systems: Check
Endemic architecture: Check
Religious background: Check
Artistic specificities: Check
Sociological stuctures: Check

So it looks like you do you have all the elements of a culture. Why would you think otherwise?

More so, your culture is the most envied and imitated!


I find it ironic that you are doing exactly what the preacher accuses black people of doing: blaming your situation on another race. Except in this case you fear something that has a threat level below that of a paper cut. "Paranoia" is right.

You talk about your fears and the fears of the union, but I have not heard of any suffering you have had to endure. So, I don't understand what it is you are afraid of.

So a lazy worker got reassigned for some bogus reason. That happens all the time to all types of people.

In my company, we document poor performance and behavior, and give repeated warnings. So, when the time for action comes, there is no question of guilt. Any racial accusations have to be similarly documented to have weight. But, while I have never seen someone get fired over a mere accusation, I have seen many cases of people who blatantly sexually harass women or insult some minority, yet keep their jobs.

In fact, I don't see why it is in any minority's interest to raise dust over racism, even when it is real. What is the payout? An even more hostile work environment?

The preacher on this videos exaggerates to the point of creating a caricature of the average black person. If he or Tim Wise said that 70% of whites are racists, I bet you'd have a problem with that.


I would explain his perception of lack of culture by the fact that white american culture dominates and drowns out everything else here. If SM lived in Singapore for a year, he would be very cognizant of his culture.


Yes, I am white. Though I have no ties to ancestry.
My dad came to Canada when he was 3 years old during WW2. He has no recollection of his background and we have no trace of an ancestry.

When I say I have no cultural "background", I'm not saying I don't live in a culture. We are all products of our surroundings. I am referring to "historical culture." I’m not daft! I do understand what culture is.

As an example of historical culture, I am referring to traditional foods, music, dance, regalia, stories etc. Things passed down through history, coat of arms, artefacts, and portraits, family heirlooms.

Longde: I believe you TOTALY miss-interpreted everything I said.
I was in no was complaining, I wasn't feeling threatened by anyone.
I WAS trying to give an example of what I thought this preacher was trying to illustrate.

This video, is only a piece of a whole talk/sermon. He is not saying all black people are doing this. He is just making them aware and asking them not to fall into this trap.

There are bad apples in every bunch, Race doesn’t have anything to do with it. His audience is black so that is who he talking to. This talk can be aimed at anyone. A white person can blame his attitude or disposition on poverty, but that still doesn’t make it OK to be an ass. Don’t use a scapegoat excuse for your actions!!!!

A person is who they strive to be!
Don’t tarnish the group of people you represent and then blame that group for your shortcomings. I have to pay my bills and be an honest citizen just like the next guy. I can’t shirk responsibility and not pay my bills and then say “but I’m a starving artist, no one ever gives us artists a chance. It’s not fair. Artists get all the low paying jobs…” It’s a cop out answer to my situation the same as blaming race, wealth or some other reason.

This video is not about identifying true racism, and we all know it exists. It is about people using the already existing racism as a tool to get away with things they know are wrong!

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