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Ohio really did go to President Obama last night. And he really did win. And he really was born in Hawaii. And he really is legitimately President of the United States. Again. And the Bureau of Labor Statistics did not make up a fake unemployment rate last month. And the Congressional Research Service really can find no evidence that cutting taxes on rich people grows the economy. And the polls were not skewed to oversample Democrats. And Nate Silver was not making up fake projections about the election to make conservatives feel bad. Nate Silver was doing math. And climate change is real. And rape really does cause pregnancy sometimes. And evolution is a thing! And Benghazi was an attack ON us, it was not a scandal BY us. And nobody is taking away anyone's guns. And taxes have not gone up. And the deficit is dropping, actually. And Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction. And the moon landing was real. And FEMA is not building concentration camps. And UN election observers are not taking over Texas.
VoodooVOh Rachel, so smart, but so dumb.
did it ever occur to you that the two party system is BAD. Our founders did NOT want Parties,
One party may be less bad than the other, but the system of parties is BAD. How many people, on both sides of the aisle, voted not for Obama or for Romney, they voted for democrat or republican.
Don't you see a fundamental problem with that....with the party being more important than the person...than the country.
The two party system needs to go. ban all parties. vote for the person, not the party
blahpookMath! Science! Facts! Hear, hear!
chingaleraShe's just the answer for linear-thinking putties in a non-linear world.
9547bisUpvoted, but kind of a dupe of this, no?
hpqp>> ^VoodooV:
Oh Rachel, so smart, but so dumb.
did it ever occur to you that the two party system is BAD. Our founders did NOT want Parties,
One party may be less bad than the other, but the system of parties is BAD. How many people, on both sides of the aisle, voted not for Obama or for Romney, they voted for democrat or republican.
Don't you see a fundamental problem with that....with the party being more important than the person...than the country.
The two party system needs to go. ban all parties. vote for the person, not the party
No, vote for the ideas, not the person, nor the party. (but I think that's what you meant, amirite?)
Mikus_AureliusThe older I've gotten, the more importance I've placed on the character of the candidate, rather than his ideas. A candidate's ideas are the product of their advisers. I want to know if my leaders are honest or deceitful, brave or cowardly, rigid or flexible, ideological or practical. No one can fully anticipate what challenges a country will face, so you have to pick someone that you trust to tackle the unknown.
This isn't an absolute of course. I've still rejected the better man (I don't think I've voted against a major party woman) because he believed in an ideology I couldn't stomach.
>> ^hpqp:
>> ^VoodooV:
Oh Rachel, so smart, but so dumb.
did it ever occur to you that the two party system is BAD. Our founders did NOT want Parties,
One party may be less bad than the other, but the system of parties is BAD. How many people, on both sides of the aisle, voted not for Obama or for Romney, they voted for democrat or republican.
Don't you see a fundamental problem with that....with the party being more important than the person...than the country.
The two party system needs to go. ban all parties. vote for the person, not the party
No, vote for the ideas, not the person, nor the party. (but I think that's what you meant, amirite?)
xxovercastxx>> ^VoodooV:
Our founders did NOT want Parties
I feel the same about parties but I am having a hard time reconciling the quoted text.
The Democratic-Republican party was founded by Jefferson and Madison. If they are not our founders, who is?
xxovercastxx>> ^Mikus_Aurelius:
The older I've gotten, the more importance I've placed on the character of the candidate, rather than his ideas. A candidate's ideas are the product of their advisers. I want to know if my leaders are honest or deceitful, brave or cowardly, rigid or flexible, ideological or practical.
The older I've gotten, the more I've realized that our politicians are not leaders; they are puppets, each with a modicum of power, doing the bidding of whoever pulls the strings the hardest. Occasionally they get yanked into behavior which benefits ordinary citizens; more often they get yanked into behavior which benefits large corporations at our expense.
Not in my lifetime have I seen any politician exhibit leadership. I wonder regularly when this changed, because I'm sure at some point in the past we did elect leaders.
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volumptuousRandom Internet commenter calls Rhodes scholar dumb.
>> ^VoodooV:
Oh Rachel, so smart, but so dumb.
did it ever occur to you that the two party system is BAD. Our founders did NOT want Parties,
One party may be less bad than the other, but the system of parties is BAD. How many people, on both sides of the aisle, voted not for Obama or for Romney, they voted for democrat or republican.
Don't you see a fundamental problem with that....with the party being more important than the person...than the country.
The two party system needs to go. ban all parties. vote for the person, not the party
VoodooV>> ^volumptuous:
Random Internet commenter calls Rhodes scholar dumb.
>> ^VoodooV:
Oh Rachel, so smart, but so dumb.
did it ever occur to you that the two party system is BAD. Our founders did NOT want Parties,
One party may be less bad than the other, but the system of parties is BAD. How many people, on both sides of the aisle, voted not for Obama or for Romney, they voted for democrat or republican.
Don't you see a fundamental problem with that....with the party being more important than the person...than the country.
The two party system needs to go. ban all parties. vote for the person, not the party
Yes, because it's impossible for an educated person to say something dumb and perpetuate a system that continues to divide this nation. While I may agree with Maddow most of the time, she's still a pundit just like the others.
and to @hpqp nah, when you're electing anyone, you have to pick a person because of their character and convictions. If you're just voting on ideas, then you might as well go back to voting parties. Dem and Rep alike both represent an idea. How many people couldn't stand Mitt but voted for him anyway because he was a Rep. How many were disappointed in Obama but voted for him anyway because he was a Dem.
It's a shitty system. If you can't stand Mitt, don't vote for him, if you can't stand Obama, don't vote for him...write someone in. You have more options than just red vs blue.
GrimmShe's not having a debate about the two party system here...she is talking in regards to the reality of the system we currently have.>> ^VoodooV:
Oh Rachel, so smart, but so dumb.
did it ever occur to you that the two party system is BAD. Our founders did NOT want Parties,
One party may be less bad than the other, but the system of parties is BAD. How many people, on both sides of the aisle, voted not for Obama or for Romney, they voted for democrat or republican.
Don't you see a fundamental problem with that....with the party being more important than the person...than the country.
The two party system needs to go. ban all parties. vote for the person, not the party
Retroboysays...Agreed with the above. This was not about a two-party system.
This was about one of the two-party-system parties being horribly broken.
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