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Rachel Maddow: Dem Leadership Will Punish Filibuster Support

October 7th, 2009.

If this whole drawn out process turns out to be a slowly built up plan designed to drop a boulder on the opposition once they've exhausted themselves then it will be one of the most masterful political maneuvers in US history. It would also change the political dynamic for good during the Obama administration by demonstrating to the crack-pots on the right that their shenanigans are ineffective.

I remain optimistic that the public option will return with strength when the moment is right. I have to maintain that optimism because we need this administration to turn the tide against the ultra-conservative forces that have been crippling this country for the past 8 years. It's become far too easy for the mindless zombie right wing fanatics to manipulate all of us.


Now, I must say that you make me curious. (I was going to be far more snarky, but that would be rude)

WHAT gives you the idea that this administration will actually stand up for anything at all? On every single issue that helped contribute to my supporting Obama, they have caved in and given up. To my way of thinking, the only thing they've demonstrated, is why Democrats have been so utterly ineffectual over the last 30 years; no backbone.


You're right of course, Storm... it's certainly not precedent that leads one to hope for strength out of our Democratic leaders. Yet here's (the above video) a little spark of nervous activity down the noodly bundle of cells the party calls a backbone... hope may live again!


Forgive me if I'm not as optimistic as I used to be (not that I ever leaned strongly that way). My financial life has been pretty much destroyed in this Wall-Street-caused economic collapse, yet the only people I see getting any help are those very same bastards who are already back to collecting multi-million dollar bonuses again. If there -were- any justice in this country, those folks would be heading into prison about now...but no, we haven't even managed to put some basic common-sense regulation back in place.

It makes it more than a little difficult to look on the bright side. I'm actually starting to consider what would be involved in going survivalist. Things could, of course, change virtually overnight...but then again, I've been telling myself that for seven months now, and things still keep going downhill.


"If there -were- any justice in this country, those folks would be heading into prison about now...but no, we haven't even managed to put some basic common-sense regulation back in place."

^ I second that.

I'm reminded of Naomi Klein's "Shock Doctrine" and maybe this is a part of that.

Many of our problems would be allayed in the USA if we would reinstate commensurate taxes on the VERY wealthy.

Obama and the Dems aren't mean enough. Our country is hurting, our world by extension is hurting, these are truly perilous times, and to reach out our hands to a school of piranhas is nothing short of folly.

This is not a recession.

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